Geotargeted ClickBux

12 levels of memberships can earn per day from $0.0122 (18 ads) to $0.24 (17 ads)  for your clicks.
Upgrade memberships cost from $2 (2nd level membership) to $22 (12th level).
Earn up to $0.20 per click and $0.02 per ref click (for 1st level-free members $0.01 and $0.0050) . 
Earn for all your referrals clicks!!! (even for clicks which cost just $0.0002!!)
Instant payments!!
With Do Microjobs option you can get referrals for other PTC's . WOPKS!!!
Rank (0-10): 7
Very trusted admin: many online  members (600 to 1400) demonstrate the reliability of this PTC.
Good  balance between advertising time and payment  and very easy interface!!
Rent direct refs with $1.5 for EVER.
8 levels of memberships can earn foryour clicks from $0.0542 (30 ads) to $0.1728 (37 ads).
Upgrade memberships cost from $3.5 (2nd level membership) to $48 (8th level)
Earn up to $0.025 per click and $0.015 per ref click (for 1st level-free members $0.01 and $0.0025) . 
Earn only for your referrals clicks which cost over $0.01.
Instant payments!!
With Do Microjobs option of Advertisements you can buy get referrals for other PTC's. It's WORKS!!
Rank (0-10): 8

Bellow PTC's  seems to be SCAMs. I request my 
payout but  I never get paid
Rain Bux
Top1Bux - Your Free Traffic Exchange - 1:1 Exchange Ratio, 5-Tier Referral Program. FREE Advertising!